What I am reading, learning, and doing to inspire creativity and wellbeing

For the first time in my life (seriously) I have the house to myself for the whole weekend! I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to do but I had one rule: Do ONLY what I want to do. No requests accepted! As a mom, wife, daughter, leader, friend, chauffeur, etc. there are many demands on my time and I wanted to spend my uninterrupted time doing things that would fill my cup and tend to my own wellbeing. I knew I wanted to exercise, learn, and create and I did! This visual around the critical consumption, inspiration, and creative work cycle from John Spencer pretty much captures my weekend. Don’t worry, I also squeezed in some wine and tv time too:). Here is what I watched, read, and created this weekend.

Recalibrating Your Health + Wellness

One of the first things I did was catch up on some courses that I have been wanted to review and learn from. I started the morning with George Couros’ new course, Recalibrating Your Health and Wellness. George has been on an incredible journey to lose weight but more importantly, focus on good habits and systems for overall wellness. It was great to learn from his thoughtful process as he shares some great tips in the course. The lessons shared by the other members are a great balance of gratitude, happiness, strategies for pandemic fatigue, mindfulness, and healthy relationships. I was so inspired by all the modules that I walked to my Barre class for a little extra exercise and time outside, which always feeds my soul. 

I love the videos and the unique personalities that each of the presenters brings to the course as well as the resources for the reflection questions. If you are interested, the course is still on sale through Wednesday. 

Reading Collective Illusions

I am a huge fan of Todd Rose and really loves his books that help us see the fallacies of so many beliefs. Both books, The Myth of Average and Dark Horse have been instrumental in my own thinking and I couldn’t wait for his new book, Collective Illusions to come out. I had some extra credits on Audible and started listening as soon as everyone left! It’s so good and I would highly recommend it.

Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience, behavioral economics, and social psychology research, acclaimed author, former Harvard professor, and think tank founder Todd Rose reveals how so much of our thinking about each other is informed by false assumptions that drive bad decisions that make us dangerously mistrustful as a society and hopelessly unhappy as individuals.

This book is so important and has already rocked my world as I reflect on my own decision-making and influences!

Creating an Evolving Education Course

Finally, I have had many people ask for asynchronous professional learning and more resources related to my newest book, Evolving Education and I have been wanting to create a course for but there is always a distraction and a good reason not to- mostly my own avoidance. So, knowing that I would have limited distractions, I committed to myself that I would start recording the course. I am a few modules in and really excited about how it is coming together! If you have any ideas or requests, now is the time to send them my way. I will continue working on it for the next few weeks and I am hoping it will be ready to go by early March. 

Although it was great to catch up on some courses, read/listen, and tackle projects I have been wanting to take on for a while, I cannot wait to see my family!

Now that you know what I did, I am curious, How would you spend 2 days alone? 

1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Casa-Todd

    Yay you! I am happy you were so productive. Me, not so much! Lol Thanks for sharing ox


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Dr. Katie Martin

Dr. Katie Martin is the author of Learner-Centered Innovation and VP of Leadership and Learning at Altitude Learning. She teaches in the graduate school of Education at High Tech High and is on the board of Real World Scholars. Learn More.



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